Poetry, Writing, Writing Exercise

Christmas Blessings

Christmas is coming and I’m filled with good cheer

Thinking of all of the blessings I’ve had this year

Life hasn’t always been easy

Things haven’t been in my control

But when I truly reflect

I realize what my blessings are

My family and friends

My life and opportunities

Things have never been this way before

Christmas blessings like presents fade

But relationships have no end

Will life always be like this

No one can tell

But blessings will always be there

Fighting for you till the end

Never letting you go

And keeping you from

Losing all control

Yes, these blessings

Are incredible

Can’t thank my Lord enough

For the blessings he has bestowed upon me

I pray every night

And hope

That against all odds

Everyone will have a shot

At having Christmas blessings of their own

Poetry, Writing

Anxiety Perils

Anxiety has always been my plight

Fears for the future

Fears for the present

When will things change?

Work fills my heart

With dangerous anxiety

Will things get better?

Chest tight

Breathing hurts

The curse of anxiety

Maybe it’s all my fault

Maybe it’s not

I don’t know what to think

Anxiety is full of peril

Can lead you down dark paths

Still it clings to me

I wonder when it will stop

I just need a sign

That things will improve

And let this anxiety

Drift away

Let this anxiety be part of the past

And not define my present

Anxiety can be dangerous

And so is mine

So let us hope

That anxiety will not steal me away

Poetry, Writing


College is a time of transition

A time to change

College can be stressful

Don’t let it overwhelm you

What makes you stronger

Are the challenges to overcome

The struggles you encounter

Will only make you a better person in the end


It can be a scary thing

On your own for the first time

Remember who your friends are

And your family, too

They will stay by your side

Through thick and through thin

They will always be there for you

You will shine in college

Brighter than the rest

You will thrive in college

Your life will never be the same again

Yes, college is a new journey

But the end result

Is working to fulfill your greatest dreams

And there is truly nothing better than that


Getting Older

Getting older isn’t easy

Like chasing dreams that seem impossible

Life is moving too fast

I’m just trying to catch up

I wish I could turn back time and rewind

To the days when everything was easy

Things sometimes seem so hard

I wish for good things to come

Getting older is so hard

With each passing day I wonder

If I’m doing enough to make my life

As great as it could be

So grateful though to have my family

Constantly at my side

With them as my support

Getting older will be easier

Because I know I have people

There for me and ready

To be the comfort I need

In my most trying times



I’ve been thinking about you

Hoping everything will be okay

That it’ll all work out in the end

Because you mean so much to me

And have always been my friend

Through thick and thin you’ve been there

Forever at my side

My life’s better with you in it

With you I have nothing to hide

Thank you for the memories

I hope that more will come

And everything will be okay

Because you’re my number one

Poetry, Writing

A Heartbroken Symphony

A heartbroken cry sounds in the night
In the city of light darkness arrives
A heartbroken human symphony begins to play
The world mourns
The world weeps
The world needs peace
Quiet descends
The conductor begins anew
A new symphony for a troubled society
A heartbreaking symphony
A sad requiem
Will life ever be the same?
We are left to wonder
What madness is this
When we cannot live without war
When we cannot live without peace
Simple lives made more difficult
Resonating to the same sad song
And once more
The heartbroken symphony plays on
In a world of chaos and confusion
I question the world that we live in
Hoping for resolution
But have little reason to believe
That anything will be the same again
And so I am immersed
In this everlasting symphony
When terror has struck
We are left scared and scarred
Emotions at play
Let the conductor play his song
And one day may we unite as one
For a moment or two
And listen to the symphony together



Trapped in the world of the puzzle
Pen in hand
Solving crossword after crossword
Grids of blanks waiting to be filled
A crossword is my haven
A sanctuary of bliss
I can sit for hours
Getting my brain into gear
Demonstration of intellect
I sit here each day
Doing a crossword
Obsessed and transfixed
A compulsive need
Moments in time
I’ll never get back
But time well spent
And crossing new boundaries
In the world of puzzles
Moments in time
I’ll never get back
But time well spent
And crossing new boundaries
In the world of puzzles


Lost for Words

Sometimes I just don’t know what to say
I’m just lost for words
Speechless and grasping in conversation
I wonder what’s wrong
But I can’t express it
I find myself lost for words
Struggling to know what needs to be said
Will you help me find my way?
I’m still lost for words
Drowning in the endless sea
Wishing and hoping
Someone will come and save the day
Maybe one day the words will come
I’ll finally be able to converse
And say the things that are necessary
And worthy of your time

Poetry, Writing

An Unforgettable Day

I still remember vividly
The day the towers came down
Filled with youth and innocence
Had no idea the world had changed
Thousands of lives were lost
Sacrifices were made
Life would never be the same
Patriotism was rampant
The American spirit remained true
We all knew what was necessary
And what we had to do
It was an unforgettable day
When the skies were gray with ashes
The day was full of horror at the three plane crashes
That day was one that no one can forget
We will always remember that day
It made us stronger as a nation
Memorials were erected
Names inscribed in stone
Services were held
To mark that solemn date
September 11 is now a day of remembrance
For the people taken too soon
Their names will not be forgotten
Respects will always be paid
Differences between us could be mended
A country united by name
That day could not break our country
Though our lives were never the same
So take a moment today
To reflect and commemorate
That unforgettable day
So our memories will remain

Poetry, Writing


Sometimes in the darkness of night
Doubts and insecurities creep into me
I wonder if everything’s okay
Am I okay?
Sometimes I wish for something better
A brighter kind of future
Sometimes I can’t sleep
Sometimes I just lie awake
Wondering if things will be all right
But then I realize
That I have everything I could possibly want
But inside
I know I want more